If you have any questions or want to learn more about us, check out the FAQ below or write to us directly at support@wakaze.jp.
What is Wakaze?
Please go to this page.
What is Sake?
Please go to this page.
Where do we make sake?
We make sake in the city of Fresnes, near Paris, France.
Where do we deliver from?
Our products are shipped directly from the brewery or from our partner's storage warehouse.
How do I discover new products?
Sign up for our newsletter. We're also on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, so be sure to follow us! Links in footer.
What are your operational hours?
We are closed on weekends, holidays, and from December 30th to January 3rd.
Can we visit the brewery?
Due to the small size of our team, we are not hosting visits at the moment. We hope to do so in the future.
Is it possible to shop at the brewery?
Due to the small size of the team, we are not currently offering this. Please order through our website.
Is there a price for restaurants and retail stores?
For all professional in France, in Europe and in UK, we have a professional distributor such as JFC UK, Vinic and TAKO FOODS, and also you can check where they are from our "WHERE TO BUY" for retailers. If you have any questions, please send the email with this request to pro-fr@wakaze.jp directly.
What is the best way to drink sake?
We recommend that you drink it in a wine glass. Depending on the product and season, you can drink sake warm, or on the rocks. We brew several types of sake to suit a variety of cuisines and occasions. Please take a look at our cocktail recipes.
How do I preserve sake?
Please store it avoiding the direct sunlight and below 10 degrees Celsius. We recommend storing it in the refrigerator.
Is there an expiration date?
Basically, there is no expiration date, but we recommend drinking it within 2 months from the date of delivery in order to keep it fresh. Once opened, please drink within 4 days.
What are the main ingredients of sake?
Our sake is mainly made from rice, koji, yeast and water. In addition, depending on the product, we add herbs and/or fruits to our sake. For more information, please see each product page.
Do you have any organic products?
Currently we do not have any products that are certified organic, but we'd like to develop these products in the future. Please sign up to our newsletter to be notified.
Does sake have gluten in it?
Nope. All of our products are gluten-free.
How much do you polish the rice?
Polished 9 to 10% at a polishing rate of 90% to 91%.
Are all ingredients from France?
Yes, WAKAZE is committed to using local ingredients.
Do you have age limit on your product?
Yes, please follow the laws of your country.
What is the exchange and return policy?
If there is a problem with the product itself, or if there is a discrepancy between the taste or aroma of the product on the site and the actual product, we will send a replacement or process a refund to your account. Please send an e-mail with detail to support@wakaze.jp. Any other issues will be responded within 14 days of receipt of the product, please send an e-mail with detail to support@wakaze.jp.
Download here the withdrawal form to attach to your request.
What are your sustainability measures?
By producing sake locally in France, we reduce the environmental burden of transportation. We primarily use local ingredients from France. In the future, we are working on a project to reuse sake byproducts and other materials produced in the sake making process.